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首頁 / 政大哲學學報 / 編委會成員 / 編輯顧問委員
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安樂哲 (Roger T. Ames)
Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa

伯梅(Manfred Baum)
Professor at University of Wuppertal

杜維明(Wei-Ming Tu)
Lifelong Professor of Philosophy, Director of the Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies at Peking University
Research Professor and Senior Fellow of Asia Center at Harvard University

郎岳(François Laruelle)
Professor Emeritus at the University of Paris X (Nanterre)

翁格爾(Pascal Engel)
Director of studies at ehess at École des hautes études en sciences sociale, Department of Philosophy

崔星豪(Sungho Choi)
Honorary Research Associate, Centre for Time, Philosophy Department, Sydney University

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